The Darkness and the Light

Light and Darkness
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Come, my child. Sit with me by the fire. It is time for you to hear the Story.

No, not like other bedtime stories. This is a very special Story. All who make the journey out of childhood must know this Story.

Hush now, no more questions. The answers are not mine to tell. They are yours to discover and sometimes, yours to make.

Now listen.

In the beginning, there was only Darkness, everywhere and nowhere. For many ages, She was very still. There was no reason to move, no reason to do anything. Over time though, Darkness became terribly lonely. Eventually She couldn’t bear it any longer, so She split off half of herself to become Light. In those first moments, the two of them had such wild excitement. Imagine it: being completely alone for ever and ever, and then all of a sudden there is someone else to share your life with.

Darkness and Light flowed around each other, dancing, dancing. They reached out to touch, and immediately their problem was revealed. They could almost clasp each other. Almost, in the grey space between, but not quite. It was terrible agony to come infinitely close but still not touch.

Their dance became frenzied, angry, dangerous. Why should there be a limitation? Why? Was Light not born out of Darkness? Why this barrier to Their mingling?

In their explosive ballet, shards broke off. Uncountably many, thousands, millions, trillions. All that you see, all that is, was born in these few moments.

Once Darkness and Light had spent Themselves, They separated, deep in grief. But their grief did not last long. They were astonished to find so much existence between Them, within Them. You see, we are the children of their limitations. Our lives are broken splinters of possibility. Darkness and Light take turns cocooning us in their presence. Through us, They are able to imagine caressing each other.

Something you must always remember, my child, is that the first parents were Light and Darkness. We carry them both within us. Many people forget this.

There is some small sadness at the end of this Story. Darkness and Light have never stopped wanting to touch. In the twilight of the morning and the evening, you can see Them brushing fingers. It is in these moments when you must look within and find hope. However bad your life is going, think of Darkness and Light entwining their distant fingers because They will never give up trying.

Yes, you are right. The fire is a Little Light, reaching out to play with the shadows. Look at Her spark children, flying off into the night. A whole universe begins and ends with our fire.  

Roll yourself in the blanket. It is time for you to sleep. Now you are grown, and must make your own way.

Writing begun 23-05-04 | 473 words

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